Bombing the ‘Irish Beatles’ – who ordered their murder?
by ANNE CADWALLADER | 12 January 2022
TAGGED: Ireland, Police, Terrorism
A court has awarded £1.5 million in compensation to survivors of a terrorist attack in Northern Ireland that involved collusion between British soldiers and paramilitary forces. But those responsible for controlling the ‘Miami Showband’ killers have still not been held accountable.
Stakeknife and the spy who went on safari
by PHIL MILLER | 10 January 2022
TAGGED: Ireland, Kenya
‘Something awkward’: When Conservative ministers authorised torture
by ANNE CADWALLADER | 5 January 2022
TAGGED: Ireland, Police
UK deployed 31 nuclear weapons during Falklands war
by RICHARD NORTON-TAYLOR | 3 January 2022
TAGGED: Argentina, Falklands, Gibraltar, Nuclear
Britain’s £75 million aid project to open up Mexican oil to UK business
by MATT KENNARD | 16 December 2021
TAGGED: Aid, Mexico
Ten journalists in a wine cellar with the defence secretary
by PHIL MILLER | 14 December 2021
Secret ‘CIA-funded’ group linked to UK ministers
by MATT KENNARD | 9 December 2021
TAGGED: United States
How Britain plotted to spread homophobia in Cuba
by JOHN McEVOY | 8 December 2021
TAGGED: cuba
MI5 report on Troubles to stay secret, court rules
by PHIL MILLER | 6 December 2021
TAGGED: Ireland, MI5