Mark Curtis is the director of Declassified UK, and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

U.K. is training Israeli military in Britain
by MARK CURTIS | 12 February 2024
TAGGED: Israel, Israeli Training

Gaza shows Britain is an oligarchy: Let’s stop pretending it isn’t
by MARK CURTIS | 9 February 2024

EXPLAINER: U.K. agrees to come to Ukraine’s future defence
by MARK CURTIS | 23 January 2024
TAGGED: Explainer, Ukraine

Bombing Yemen – As British as afternoon tea
by MARK CURTIS | 12 January 2024
TAGGED: Declassified Files, Yemen

‘The sooner we get these people out of our hair the better’
by MARK CURTIS | 29 December 2023
TAGGED: Declassified Files, Guyana, US

UK refuses to confirm use of Cyprus base in sending US arms to Israel
by MARK CURTIS | 7 December 2023
TAGGED: Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, US

Why does the UK give Israel unqualified backing?
by MARK CURTIS | 21 November 2023
TAGGED: Declassified Files

UK government blocks MP questions about Gaza-related activity at its Cyprus base
by MARK CURTIS | 20 November 2023
TAGGED: Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, US

U.S. military is secretly supplying weapons to Israel using UK base on Cyprus
by MARK CURTIS | 17 November 2023
TAGGED: Cyprus, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, US