Peter Oborne is a journalist and author. His latest book is The Fate of Abraham: Why the West is Wrong about Islam.

Will the UK press Israel over illegal settlers’ reign of terror in the West Bank?
by PETER OBORNE | 9 November 2023
TAGGED: Fighting for Israel, Israel, Palestine

Over Assange, Britain’s press prefers to serve power not media freedom
by PETER OBORNE | 18 September 2023
TAGGED: Assange

Dishonest diplomacy: Foreign Office duplicity on Israel and human rights must end
by PETER OBORNE | 27 April 2023
TAGGED: Burma, Israel

When journalists act as state propagandists
by PETER OBORNE | 18 January 2023

Manchester bombing: A blood price for British foreign policy?
by PETER OBORNE | 1 July 2022
TAGGED: Libya, Manchester Bombing, Terrorism

Did the UK’s secret Libya policy contribute to the Manchester terror attack?
by PETER OBORNE | 16 December 2020
TAGGED: Libya, Manchester Bombing, MI6, Terrorism
The official inquiry into the 2017 Manchester bombing has yet to probe the links between the terrorist, Salman Abedi, and UK covert action during the 2011 war in Libya – yet there is no point in the inquiry unless it asks difficult questions the British establishment would rather avoid.