
‘A lot of people share my opinion within the military’, says soldier who protested against UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

‘A lot of people share my opinion within the military’, says soldier who protested against UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Al-Batati, a Lance Corporal in the British army, staged a public protest against British arms sales to Saudi Arabia in August, concerned that “a child was dying every 10 minutes” in Yemen. In his first interview since becoming a civilian, he tells Declassified that others in the army share his view and that he took action because parliament did nothing.

The Ministry of Defence blacklisted Declassified – but won’t admit it

The Ministry of Defence blacklisted Declassified – but won’t admit it

A UK government review into how the Ministry of Defence (MOD) handled relations with the organisation I edit, Declassified UK, concludes the MOD ‘did not have a policy’ of blacklisting us, despite providing evidence that it did. It reveals a deep problem in UK governance – that Britain is more oligarchy than democracy.