
Britain’s nuclear arsenal
by PHIL MILLER | 4 March 2022
TAGGED: Nuclear, Russia, Scotland, Ukraine

‘The tail wagging the dog’: How Scottish independence could transform British foreign policy
by PHIL MILLER | 5 May 2021
TAGGED: Nuclear, Scotland
With pro-independence parties poised to secure a significant majority at the Scottish parliament elections, Declassified explores how Scotland could soon forge a radically different foreign policy from the rest of the UK. We asked Scottish politicians, campaigners and thinkers for their views on nuclear weapons, Russia, China, the arms trade and human rights.

Government breaks inspection rules at Scottish missile factory supplying Saudi air war
by PHIL MILLER | 18 June 2020
TAGGED: BAE Systems, Raytheon, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Yemen
A bomb factory in Scotland providing missile parts for Saudi Arabia’s air force has not been checked in over three years, missing the UK government’s own inspection deadlines. Weaponry produced by Raytheon in Glenrothes is linked to war crimes in Yemen.