Matt Kennard was formally Head of Investigations at Declassified UK. He was a fellow and then director at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London.

Pro-Israel lobby group paid for UK foreign and home secretaries’ first trips as MPs
by MATT KENNARD | 11 October 2023
TAGGED: Israel, Israel Lobby

CPS doesn’t know what records it destroyed related to Keir Starmer’s Washington trips
by MATT KENNARD | 9 October 2023
TAGGED: Assange, Labour Party

The German banker and British Lord who wrote the ‘Capitalist Magna Carta’
by MATT KENNARD | 4 October 2023

The secretive legal system hampering global action on climate change
by MATT KENNARD | 3 October 2023

Arms dealers toast ‘very buoyant’ profits in London
by MATT KENNARD | 19 September 2023
TAGGED: Ukraine, Yemen

Keir Starmer joined secretive CIA-linked group while serving in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet
by MATT KENNARD | 26 July 2023
TAGGED: Labour Party

Keir Starmer’s special relationship with the Murdoch press
by MATT KENNARD | 5 July 2023
TAGGED: Labour Party

CPS has destroyed all records of Keir Starmer’s four trips to Washington
by MATT KENNARD | 29 June 2023
TAGGED: Assange, Labour Party

Gibraltar: Britain’s militarised rock after Brexit
by MATT KENNARD | 26 June 2023
TAGGED: Gibraltar, Spain